The Best Kitchen Hacks Yet
Let’s face it between counter clutter and junk drawers it is hard to keep the kitchen clean and organized. Here are a few of our

What to Consider When Choosing Cabinets
Selecting the right cabinets for your home is easily one of the more complicated and expensive selections for your renovation. Our advice? Buy it once

Kitchen Designer, Contractor, or Architect?
WHO TO HIRE, WHERE TO START & HOW MUCH WILL IT COST? It’s official, you have spent more time stuck in your kitchen then

Achieving The Right Wood Grain Look
Wood Cuts 101-Plain, Quarter or Rift An overview of the most common wood cuts and the wood grain look achieved. Plain Sawn This is both the

The Top 10 Trends In Cabinet Accessories
Buy This Not That… Is it possible to over accessorize your cabinets? Absolutely! The team at Premier Kitchens is here to weigh in on trending

Top 7 Things To Look For
When Selecting Cabinets We get it, you are trying to stay within your budget for your kitchen remodel and cabinets can be very costly.

All About Cabinets Costs
I recently sat down with a few of the Premier Kitchens design team members for a Q&A on the cost of cabinets. With a dizzying