Buy This Not That…
Is it possible to over accessorize your cabinets? Absolutely! The team at Premier Kitchens is here to weigh in on trending cabinet accessories and which are worth the splurge and which to avoid. Read up, take notes and visit our showroom to see these accessories in action.
1. Pantry Rollouts
Unanimously given a thumbs up and a top trend for a reason. Pantry rollouts make accessing items in the back of a cabinet much, much easier.
2. Waste Basket Rollouts
Easily one of the most purchased accessories creating functional ease and good use of cabinet space. No rollouts mean your garbage goes under your sink where you put your basket right up against your cabinet door leaving all the space behind it unused. What a waste (pun intended).

3. Divider Drawer
Sounds great, but is it really? Be careful, our design staff has a mixed view.
The double cutlery divider is not good for storing a lot of silverware or large ones. Anything slightly too large or awkward shape will jam the drawer. On the other hand it does help you get more organizational sections into 1 cabinet. It all depends on how you are using the drawer at the end of the day.

4. Corner Cabinet Accessories (kidney vs. lazy susan?)
Some people prefer a lazy Susan and some prefer the LeMans or the Magic “kidney” corner. Having a corner pull out is helpful for reaching items easily, go kidney!! These specialized accessories are made to fit in the corner and are attached with glides that allowing you to pull the shelf out and turn it around the corner to access your items.

5. Spice Rack Pull Out or Drawer?
We’re not a big fan of Spice drawer inserts. The spice bottles sit almost flat, and one can’t stock many per drawer. For example a 15” wide drawer may store 16 to 20 spice containers, not to mention they have to be uniform in size and shape. Door mounted spice shelves are still practical and pull outs are even better holding the maximum number of spices in all shapes and sizes.

6. Large Double Drawers
Nice and large you can store pots and pans here and take them out effortlessly, we’re saying this is a must-have for functional convenience.

7. Tray Organizers
We consider this one a necessity too as it make great use of space above the oven or above the refrigerator.
8. Knife Insert
Not really our thing, we prefer the traditional countertop block or wall magnets.

9. Mixer Storage
Unless you have an excess of cabinetry, and can use the extra countertop space, it’s hard to dedicate an entire cabinet for one specific function. The mixer on the countertop is pretty ubiquitous and you may want to move it to a firmer base when working.
10. Cooking Utensil Pull Out

We still prefer just using regular drawers for utensils it’s easier to see and find your items.
At the end of the day we know each person uses their kitchen differently, and what may be important to one is not important to another. So, take our advice with a grain of salt and go with what makes sense for your project. As always, we are here to help you out and feel free to pop by our showroom to see these accessories in person.